Please note, if you have more than one participant for this camp, you will need to complete a registration form for each participant.
By checking this, you acknowledge and agree to the all the rules and conditions outlined below.
As the parent or legal guardian of the above-named child, I hereby grant permission for my child to participate in the HK Soccer Skills Solutions Training Camp. I acknowledge that soccer and physical activity can carry inherent risks, including the risk of injury. I hereby release the camp, its staff, volunteers, and organizers from any liability in the event of injury or accident that may occur while participating in activities at this camp.
Medical Authorization:In the event of an emergency or illness where I am not immediately available, I give permission for the camp staff to seek medical treatment for my child. I understand that I will be notified as soon as possible if my child requires medical attention.
Waiver of Liability: I understand that soccer activities can involve physical exertion and potential risk of injury. I agree to hold harmless and release the camp, its staff, organizers, and affiliates from all claims, demands, and actions that may arise as a result of my child’s participation in this camp.
Camp Code of Conduct: I acknowledge that my child must adhere to the rules and expectations of behavior established by the camp. Failure to do so may result in immediate removal from the camp without refund. These rules include, but are not limited to:
Photo/Video Consent: I give permission for the camp to take photos and/or videos of my child during the camp for use in promotional materials (e.g., websites, brochures, social media). If I do not consent to this, I will inform the camp in writing.
I, the undersigned, agree that my child will adhere to the following behavior standards while participating in HK Soccer Skills Solutions Training Camp:
Full payments are required 45 days before the start date of the Camp. $305 for the first week, and $275 for each additional week.
Refunds are available up to 30 days before the camp start date, minus a non-refundable administrative fee of $45. After this time, no refunds will be issued.